Thank you for choosing Kemba Credit Union for your financing needs. To assist you in making your loan payment, please consider using one of the following options:  

Kemba’s Digital Banking
If you have your primary checking or savings account with Kemba, you can simply transfer the funds through Online or Mobile Banking to pay your loan. If your primary account is with another financial institution, click the Pay a Kemba Loan tab within Online Banking to get started. Make sure to have your financial institution’s information available. Not all loans may be eligible using this method.

Click here to sign up for Online Banking

Click here to view Kemba's Digital Banking

Kemba EZPay
Make payments online by visiting All you need to register is your account number and the last 4 digits of the primary member's social security number. Not all loans may be eligible using this method

Click here to use EZPay

Bill Pay or Recurring Payments from Another Financial Institution
If you use another financial institution as your primary account, you can set up Bill Pay service.  You can easily pay your Kemba loan by using Kemba’s routing number and your loan number listed below. Please contact us as we can set up recurring payments for you!
Kemba’s Routing Number: 242076973

Click here to print loan payment coupons


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